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Тунец в томатном соусе

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Canned Tuna Nutrition Benefits complete protein, with a standard 3 oz (85 gram) serving of tuna provides about 22 grams. omega-3 fatty acids. micronutrients like: selenium. vitamin D. iron.

тунец в масле

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Oil-packed fish is typically packed in vegetable or soy oil and helps to trap vital nutrients deep within the fish where they can be unlocked by your body during digestion. While not the healthiest canned fish option, oil-packed canned fish seals in every last drop of flavor to keep your meal as delicious as possible.

Тунец в рассоле

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Canned tuna is a healthful food rich in protein and contains many vitamins and minerals such as B-Complex vitamins, Vitamins A and D as well as iron, selenium and phosphorus. Tuna also contains healthy omega 3 essential fatty acids DHA and EPA.

Скумбрия в рассоле

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Mackerel is becoming increasingly popular and significant as part of our diets.Canned mackerel is a tasty seafood dish that’s healthy and full of essential nutrients. It provides proteins, healthy fats, vitamin D, and minerals (potassium, sodium, and magnesium) that help develop tissues and improve heart health. However, despite its low mercury levels, caned mackerel can still cause mercury poisoning and should therefore be consumed moderately.

Сардина в томатном соусе

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Sardines canned in oil have similar amounts of omega-3 to canned sardines in tomato sauce. Choosing a product with tomato sauce provides the additional heart health benefits of lycopene , a carotenoid present in tomatoes.

Скумбрия в томатном соусе

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Containing ample amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids and selenium, mackerel fish has been shown to enhance your skin & hair care whilst boosting immunity, improving bone mineral density, controlling diabetes, promoting weight loss and improving cognition to name but a few benefits.

Скумбрия в масле

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Mackerels, being oily fish, have high amounts of omega-3s. These good fats are known to reduce blood pressure and decrease the levels of cholesterol in your body. Studies have shown that those who eat mackerel regularly have lower blood pressure and less cholesterol in their blood.

Сардины в масле

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Potential Health Benefits of Canned Sardines. The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish work to protect the cardiovascular system. Omega-3s stabilize heart rhythms, decrease triglycerides (fat in your blood), and keep arteries free from blockages.

Сардины в рассоле

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Canned sardines are a rich source of protein, amino acids, vitamins and essential fatty acids; they are used by the body to reduce inflammation, build and maintain bones and support the nervous system. Sardines canned in water are a healthier option with lower cholesterol and lower fat than those canned in oil.


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Адрес офиса (экспорт): Офис в Гуанчжоу: Торговый центр ShunJing, № 610-611, № 855, Industrial Avenue South, район Хайчжоу, Гуанчжоу, Китай (материк) Шанхайский офис: No.806-807, Ailicheng, № 333, Lane 1, Jinxiang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, Китай (материк)

Адрес фабрики: Синьцзян: Промышленная экономическая и технологическая зона Хэшуо Циншуй Синьцзян, Китай (материк) Гуанчжоу: 91 Зидзин-дадао, экономическая и высокотехнологическая зона Дунша, Фанчун, Гуанчжоу, Китай (материк) Хубэй: Промышленный парк Сичу, Цзигуй, Хубэй, Китай (материк)

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